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New digitization equipment set to accelerate Kenya agriculture agency’s breeding programs
EiB news | Adam Hunt | 15/3/2021
The equipment will help speed up and enhance the accuracy of various breeding processes including seed preparation, data collection, data analysis and inventory management. The CGIAR...
Breeders take quantum leap towards state-of-the-art data methods via Wheat Initiative trainings
EiB news | Adam Hunt | 15/2/2021
Wheat breeders from across the globe took a big step towards modernizing their molecular breeding skills at recent workshops sponsored by the Wheat Initiative, with the CGIAR Excellence in Breeding...
CGIAR breeding brings major returns on investment, finds study
EiB news | Adam Hunt | 26/1/2021
Governments and foundations investing in CGIAR are seeing extraordinary value for money, according to a recent international report. The investment has generated a 10 to 1 return, and breeding science is highlighted as a major contributor.Commissioned by...
Developers unite around a common platform to liberate breeding data
EiB news | Sam Storr | 18/12/2020
As public sector breeding has modernized, it has become a more data intensive enterprise. Numerous applications and databases have been created for a wide variety of tasks from collecting field observations to analyzing genetics. However, this...
National breeding programs prepped to measure – and boost – genetic gains
Impact | Adam Hunt | 8/12/2020
By adopting best practices and established modern tools, NARS (national agricultural research systems) are making data-driven decisions to boost genetic improvement. And they are measuring this progress through tracking...
New AGG project aims to accelerate genetic gains in maize and wheat
EiB news | | 19/10/2020
By Joshua MasindeCGIAR Excellence in Breeding (EiB) is contributing its science-backed support to the maize and wheat breeding program improvement plans on the new Accelerating Genetic Gains in Maize and Wheat for Improved Livelihoods (...
Excellence in Breeding team working to catalyze change
EiB news | Adam Hunt | 31/8/2020
Please see our team bio page.Combining culture change with technical innovations may be the most challenging part of modernization breeing programs. Working with partners across CGIAR and externally to catalyze this change, the CGIAR Excellence in Breeding (EiB)...
New project aims to modernize rice breeding in Africa
EiB news | Sam Storr | 7/7/2020
Rice is a food for the future in Africa, with consumer demand for rice growing faster than any other staple crop. With most farms yielding less than two tons per hectare, Africa's taste for rice could lead to greater reliance on food imports, with US $7 billion already...
Assessing the current state of breeding operations in West Africa
EiB news | Sam Storr | 6/4/2020
In February, the CGIAR Excellence in Breeding (EiB) Platform assessed breeding operations and phenotyping capacity at five CGIAR and national crop research stations in West Africa.Given that the population of West Africa is expected to double in the next...