Operations and phenotyping toolbox

New mechanization, automation, precision and high-throughput phenotyping tools have the potential to lower the cost of assessing variety traits and genotype-environment-management interactions while and improving accuracy and precision. The Phenotyping tools & services toolbox contains manuals, templates, procurement guides and continuous improvement training resources to enable more rapid and effective adoption of phenotyping tools.


Recent entries

Simplified definitions of crop breeding terms to be used with people unfamiliar with plant breeding
Through the CGIAR Service Portal, registered partners can access a variety of services related to crop breeding and research.
This dashboard aims to disseminate the findings of CGIAR-NARES breeding stations evaluations conducted by the Crops to End Hunger’s Facilities Upgrade and Mechanization Improvement project, identifying areas for improvement.
This dashboard encapsulates the results of three projects improving the infrastructure and mechanization capabilities in priority breeding stations across Africa with Crops to End Hunger funds.
This tool allows you to monitor the implementation of the facility upgrade and mechanization improvement project with key performance indicators.
This checklist is for crop breeding organizations and farm station management staff to help assess and improve gender inclusion in their workplace.