The power of BrAPPs: BrAPI-compliant tools & widgets
Webinar recording | 8/11/2020
An EiB Story of Excellence, from Integrated Breeding Programme (IBP), LeafNode and Boyce Thompson Institute BrAPPs are standalone independent tools or widgets which can run on its own or can be easily integrated with a larger system.
Marker design in a polyploid crop, yams
Webinar recording | 8/11/2020
One of the major challenges in yams is their polyploid nature, and lack of information available on the genetics and cytogenetics of this crop. However, the yam team has started teaming up with EiB Genotyping Module to develop QC markers for routine screening of breeding materials in yams.
Exploiting heterosis for major clonal crop gains: sweetpotato hybrids go from pipe dream to reality
Webinar recording | 8/11/2020
To reach a new level of impact, breeders at CIP set out to realize the theoretical potential of hybrid sweet potato breeding to achieve a step change in genetic gains for root yield and climate resilience-related traits within an optimized 5-6 year breeding cycle.
EiB Operations and phenotyping in 2020
Webinar recording | 8/11/2020
In this presentation for the 2020 EiB Virtual Meeting, EiB's Gustavo Teixeira recaps progress to date in operations and phenotyping, challenges faced and big plans for shared services across the CGIAR in the future.
ViTSel: A new decision support tool to facilitate selection in breeding
Webinar recording | 4/11/2020
In this Story of Excellence, Ibnou Deng (IITA) introduces ViTSel, the Visualization Tool for Selection. ViTSel was developed between IITA and CIMMYT as part of the EiB-sponsored breeding informatics sabbatical program and supports selection in breeding by visualizing results of a multi-environmental, multi-trait analysis.
Webinar reveals approaches for breeders to save time and money, cut waste – and deliver for clients
Webinar recording | 22/10/2020
A recent webinar organized by the CGIAR Excellence in Breeding Platform (EiB) and Accelerating Genetic Gains in Maize and Wheat for Improved Livelihoods (AGG), invited national agricultural research systems, seed companies, other interested breeders to explore tools, techniques and transitions toward a continuous improvement culture in breeding.