
Webinar: Costing for breeding programs

Webinar recording | 12/5/2021

How can breeding programs estimate the costs of breeding and its associated research activities? How can breeders make better decisions about resource allocation? Join EiB as we unpack and explore the UQ Breeding Costing Tool, a powerful solution for breeders and breeding managers.

Decision making in a commercial breeding program - BrIN Learning Series

Webinar recording | 5/5/2021

Join Bayer, Cornell, EiB and partners for an examination of how over the years of testing, Bayer has aimed to get increasing confidence for performance in farmers’ fields and conditions. This includes increasing the number of locations and size of experimental plots.

Low Density SNP Genotyping Services: An EiB Launch Event

Webinar recording | 15/3/2021

The new LDSG service is the latest evolution from the “High Throughput Genotyping - HTPG” project, made possible through the strong partnerships and support of many CGIAR, public and private research organizations.

EiB Webinar: ViTSel, the Visualization Tool for Selection

Webinar recording | 24/11/2020

ViTSel supports selection in breeding by visualizing results of multi-environmental, multi-trait analysis. Join us for a demo of the tool's features and discussion of its use.

Costing of breeding programs: Results and perspectives from NARES Rice Programs

Webinar recording | 22/11/2020

In this Story of Excellence, Busiso Olga Mavankeni (DR&SS), Ronika Mukaro (DR&SS), Lubasi Sinyinda (ZARI) and Samson Ojok (NARO) discuss how they quantified the cost of their breeding operations using the University of Queensland tool, and how this data supports planning, optimization and improved cost control.

Webinar: Enhancing and measuring Genetic Gain in crop breeding

Webinar recording | 19/11/2020

Driving Genetic Gain through selection is at the core of every successful plant breeding program. In this webinar targeting national breeding programs in Africa, EiB will explain the concepts behind genetic gain; introduce tools and approaches to measure genetic gain; provide real examples from a national program in East Africa.

One CGIAR (EiB Virtual Annual Meeting 2020)

Webinar recording | 11/11/2020

CGIAR breeding programs are embarking on an important transition to a more integrated global breeding network that supports farmers to meet the challenges of this century. In this address to the EiB Virtual Annual Meeting 2020, Michael Quinn describes how EiB will support this transition.

Optimization of the KALRO Highland Maize Program (Story of Excellence)

Webinar recording | 11/11/2020

In this Story of Excellence, presented at the EiB Virtual Meeting 2020, Dickson Ligeyo discusses improvements in demand-driven breeding, costing, data management, genetic gains assessment and digitization.

Partner perspectives (EiB Virtual Meeting 2020)

Webinar recording | 11/11/2020

In the closing plenary of the Virtual Meeting 2020, Joyce Malinga (KALRO), Hugo Campos (CIP), Nora Lapitan (USAID) and Gary Atlin (Gates Foundation) provide their thoughts as key stakeholders in EiB and the modernization of CGIAR-NARS breeding networks.

Nextgen cassava: Actionable breeding targets that meet diversity and demand

Webinar recording | 10/11/2020

Customer profiles are the missing piece needed to guide the development of improved varieties for different markets. In this Story of Excellence, Hale Ann Tufan (Cornell University) discusses the achievements and challenges to collect, combine and put into action new sources of information about smallholder farmers in collaboration with NextGen Cassava, the Gender in Breeding Initiative and EiB.