Market Intelligence & Product Design toolbox


Sustainable transformation of how products are designed, created and managed within public sector breeding network.


Improve public sector breeding program impact by working transparently, methodically and professionally to increase rates of variety turnover


  • Increased variety turnover through client-driven product profiles, with cross-functional input.
  • Greater breeding program impact and accountability through the adoption of a stage-gate system and a product development focus.
  • Common understandings of breeding network ways of working based on a common terminology. Develop performance and impact metrics to enable accountability for breeding program goals.

Expert advice will be provided on product and breeding plan design, tool implementation and dissemination. Components of this advice will be incorporated in a specific breeding scheme review within the optimizing breeding schemes module.


Recent entries

GloMIP is a public platform for sharing market intelligence to inform market segmentation, target product profile design, seed systems and investment decision making in crop breeding.
A CGIAR Initiative on Market Intelligence series, which engages social scientists, crop breeding teams and others to work together toward the design and implementation of a demand-led breeding approach.
Materials to demonstrate role specialization, responsibilities and metrics-based decision-making in a client-oriented product management process.
A practical guide to basic concepts and workflows for quality hybrid maize seed production.
Introduction and guidelines for using the Product Replacement Strategy tool.