Market Intelligence & Product Design

Knowing the seed, trusting the source: How farmer perspectives can boost seed promotion

Over the past decades, uptake rates of new seed products in low-income countries have remained low. A new multi-country, multi-crop qualitative study helps understand how women and men farmers form their varietal uptake choices and what strategies can help reach social groups usually not targeted through conventional seed promotion. This webinar examines farmers’ criteria in taking up new varieties and compares these with seed promotion strategies in the respective countries.

Inclusive crop breeding: Data integration and synthesis for methodological improvements

This webinar explores topics around inclusive crop breeding priority setting with a focus on methods and tools. We present global trends in trait preferences for crop breeding, an Ex-Ante priority setting framework for product concept testing, intrahousehold analysis in varietal adoption and novel methods in trait preference data synthesis and integration.

With Dr. Hale Ann Tufan -Associate Professor, Cornell University, and Dr. Martina Occelli -Post Doctoral Associate, Cornell University. And Dr. Vivian Polar (CIP/Market Intelligence Initiative) as moderator.

Launch: CGIAR Seed Product Market Segment (SPMS) Database

The success of breeding will depend on our ability to deliver reliable data, information and insights into market segments.

The Seed Product Market Segment (SPMS) Database identifies and describes over 400 seed product market segments. These segments cover 25 crops across ten subregions where CGIAR and NARES currently target investments in crop breeding and seed systems.

Home News & Events Events Launch: CGIAR Seed Product Market Segment (SPMS) Database

The success of breeding will depend on our ability to deliver reliable data, information and insights into market segments.

The Seed Product Market Segment (SPMS) Database identifies and describes over 400 seed product market segments. These segments cover 25 crops across ten subregions where CGIAR and NARES currently target investments in crop breeding and seed systems.

Dawn of a pan-African method for designing varieties with impact

Market and crop development specialists in Africa are making important steps towards embedding customer- and product-driven breeding practices in the region in 2020.

One the chief obstacles to agricultural development in Africa is the low rate at which farmers adopt improved varieties with the potential to improve livelihoods, resilience, food security and better nutrition.

Advancement meeting role-playing exercise


An advancement meeting ties together the different stages in a breeding process.

One of several meetings that should take place in the year, the advancement meeting is where data is considered and decisions made at the top level. 

These materials are designed to be used as part as a role-playing exercise to demonstrate to participants how an advancement meeting should be set up, the importance of role specialization and the responsibilities of different members of the breeding and management team. 


Groundnut breeders in Malawi learn how to link product profiles and genotyping for faster variety turnover

A rich source of protein, oils and other nutrients that requires few inputs to produce, groundnut is considered both an important contributor to household nutrition and a cash crop. To accelerate the development and adoption of improved varieties, a workshop on the use of product profiles low-cost genotyping was held for groundnut breeders in Malawi. 

Product Replacement Strategy Guide

Product Profiles are a concept designed to enhance the impact of breeding programs by focusing efforts on the development of products designed to be successful in target markets.

This requires a design process driven by market knowledge that incorporates cross-functional input.

The Excellence in Breeding Platform (EiB) Product Replacement Strategy tool has been created to capture this multi-functional design input in a systematic format, to facilitate the organization of the breeding network and communication with key stakeholders.


George Kotch

Product Design and Management

George Kotch
George Kotch has nearly 30 years’ experience leading breeding programs in both the private and public sectors, including as head of plant breeding at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) and president of George Kotch and Associates.