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Introduction and guidelines for using the Product Replacement Strategy tool.
George Kotch
Theory, instructions and equipment needed to monitor soil moisture in breeding plots.
Amelia Henry
Open-access software for data capture and quality, and integration with potato and sweetpotato breeding databases.
The International Potato Center (CIP)
Cloud hosted tools from EiB, HTPG and GOBII on the Galaxy Project service.
CGIAR Excellence in Breeding Platform
Software to view genotype data as a cluster plot.
Android data collection app with customizable templates. Default templates include Seed Tray and DNA Plate. Part of the PhenoApps collection.
Trevor Rife, Jesse Poland, Peter Rosario
Low-cost access to world class genotyping services for CGIAR and partner breeding centers working on the majority of CGIAR mandate crops.
Android application to scan barcodes and compare against imported list of entries.