The Highly Interactive Data Analysis Platform (HIDAP) was developed for clonal crop breeders at the International Potato Center (CIP).
It is part of on-going efforts to unify best practices which practices include data collection, data quality and data analysis in clonal crop breeding. HIDAP builds on the former in-house tools DataCollector (DC) and CloneSelector (CS). These tools supported potato and sweetpotato breeding, respectively.
HIDAP improves on prior features like data quality checks. It adds new features to support open access. New features include linkage with corporate and local databases such as CIP-BioMart and Sweetpotato-base, the latter via the Breeding API (BrAPI). HIDAP is part of The Global Trial Data Management System suite of tools at CIP.
Key features of HIDAP include web based user interfaces:
- Data capture support.
- Field book creation.
- Access data from breeding databases (CIP-BioMart & Sweetpotatobase).
- Data quality checks.
- Analysis of single and multi-environment data.
- Calculate selection indices.
- Create repeatable reports.
Novel features:
- Manage materials of breeding families and clones.
- Connect with pedigree and other databases at CIP.
- Use interactive graphs for data exploration.