CurlyWhirly provides data visualization in a 3D context, including but not limited to the output from Principal Coordinate Analysis and Principal Components Analysis.
Intuitive controls allow the data to be filtered or highlighted using categorical data such as from phenotypes, whilst its efficient memory usage and high-performance allows for real-time interactivity with very large data sets.
This functionality enables exploration of multidimensional data in such a way that facilitates finding patterns and outliers within the data
CurlyWhirly features:
- 3D display of multi-dimensional data.
- Rotate the graph by dragging on the display.
- Zoom in and out of the data set.
- Automatic rotation.
- Filtering of coloured data points by selecting/de-selecting categories.
Information & Computational Sciences, The James Hutton Institute
Information & Computational Sciences, The James Hutton Institute

Web link
CurlyWhirly homepage
Supporting information and download links on James Hutton Institute website.

Web link
Download CurlyWhirly (Windows, Linux, macOS)
Latest release links on James Hutton Institute website.