EiB Virtual Meeting 2021:
Inspire » Implement » Impact
Following last year’s EiB Virtual Meeting 2020: Sharing Excellence, CGIAR Excellence in Breeding held VM2021 in November, featuring CGIAR breeding leaders, breeders, staff, NARES, donors, private sector, and other partners and interested experts, who gathered to:
- FRAME THE FUTURE: Help guide and inspire CGIAR breeding and reform within One CGIAR as we strive to meet six funder requests
- SHARE SOLUTIONS: Case examples of centralization / modernization successes that can be adapted by others
- HIGHLIGHT PARTNERS: Sharing successes and impacts, and learning from others
Read the summary story here: To meet breeding targets, we must be willing to change: EiB’s 2021 Virtual Meeting
Agenda & session recordings
We hoped you joined us for these sessions. See EiB's YouTube channel for recordings
Date and calendar links | Agenda |
Tues, Nov 161 hour (+45 minute Module Open Houses) Global session: 7:00 CST / 14:00 CET / 16:00 EAT / 21:00 PHT. |
Global Session: Inspiring Implementation
Wed, Nov 172.5 hour sessions in two time zones (select one) Asia/AM Africa: 7:00 WAT / 9:00 EAT / 11:30 IST / 14:00 PHT / (00:00 CST). Americas/PM Africa: 7:00 PST / 9:00 CST / 15:00 GMT / 16:00 WAT / 18:00 EAT. |
Regional Sessions: Driving Implementation
Thurs, Nov 181 hour (+45 minute Module Open Houses) Global session: 7:00 CST / 14:00 CET / 16:00 EAT / 21:00 PHT. |
Global Session: Transforming for Impact
Tues, Nov 23 / Wed, Nov 24
Watch Stories of Excellence videos: on EiB's Story of Excellence YouTube playlist
Webinars: Stories of Excellence from breeding partnersPresentations/discussion from CGIAR/NARES and other breeding partners on breeding innovations, program achievements and results - selected from top vote getters. Session 1: Asia/AM Africa:
Session 2: Americas/PM Africa:
For updates:
- Read the summary story here: To meet breeding targets, we must be willing to change: EiB’s 2021 Virtual Meeting
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