Sharing Excellence: Excellence in Breeding (EiB) Virtual Meeting 2020
Sharing Excellence has come to an end. Please read a summary of the event: What are the best practices for modern breeding?
We had nearly 250 participants from around the globe. Thanks to each and every one of you for joining. The conversations will continue!
If you joined, please take this short feedback SURVEY to help us plan future events. And you can access resources from the event below.
Event overview:
CGIAR Excellence in Breeding (EiB) 2020 Virtual Meeting: the EiB team, breeding program partners, donors, NARS and others will share updates, resources and Stories of Excellence, and discuss ways in which EiB can move forward toward OneCGIAR and support partners in the best ways possible.
The event is being held on the Hopin platform, an event portal that features plenary rooms, side sessions, and exhibitions.
- Stories of Excellence profiling innovations and successes
- The updated EiB mandate
- Shared services profiled and explained
- Module updates and resource showcase
- Stakeholder feedback sessions
- OneCGIAR and breeding opportunities
- Informal coffee chatrooms
Dowload Americas/PM Africa option agenda
Dowload Asia / AM Africa option agenda
Story of Excellence submissions:
This is a chance to share something that shows real potential for improvement in breeding programs. The best will be selected to present at the meeting, but all submissions will be considered for communications promotion via blogs, webinars, media, inclusion in CGIAR/donor reports etc.. Submit using this form (deadline closed, but new submissioons will still be considered)
Invitations: Did you receive an Outlook invite for Asia/Americas options plus Global session in your email? If not, please contact: a.hunt@cgiar.org
Registration: https://hopin.to/events/sharing-excellence-eib-virtual-meeting-2020
Session/presentation recordings:
- The EiB mandate and progress – Michael Quinn (Americas version - Jan Debaene)
- Shared services – Gustavo Teixeira, Liz Jones, Eduardo Covarrubias-Pazaran
- Towards One CGIAR – Michael Quinn
- Partner Perspectives – CGIAR/NARS/donors on the directions for EiB (CIP, KALRO, USAID, BMGF)
- Stories of Excellence:
- Tanzanian bananas – IITA/RTB
Gender in NextGen cassava - Cornell
Marker design yams – IITA/partners
BrAPI growth – Cornell/partners
BrAPPs tools for BRAPI – IBP/partners
Sweetpotato hybrids – CIP
BMS in Kenya maize/wheat breeding – KALRO/EiB/IBP
VitSel visualization tool – IITA/CIMMYT/AfricaRice
Enterprise Breeding System (EBS) – EiB/partners
- Module breakouts:
- Product design & management – Peter Coaldrake
- Breeding scheme optimization – Eduardo Covarrubias-Pazaran, Sarah Hearne
- Genotyping & sequencing – Eng Hwa Ng, Ana Olaveira
- Operations and phenotyping – Gustavo Teixeira
- Bioinformatics & data management – Young Wha Lee
- NARS engagement – Bish Das
Presentation PDFs:
Plenary Sessions:
Module updates:
- Product design & management
- Breeding scheme optimization
- Genotyping & sequencing
- Operations and phenotyping
- Bioinformatics & data management
- NARS engagement
Thank you to our supporters: