EiB's event summary news story: Breeding’s African food security contribution is a numbers game: EiB at APBA
The theme for the Conference is “Accelerating genetic gains in plant breeding for resilience and transformative food systems and economic growth in Africa”.
The APBA in partnership with the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and several other institutions announce the second Conference of the APBA (#APBAConf2021). The conference will be hosted both virtually and in-person at the Kigali Convention Centre, Kigali, Rwanda from October 25-30, 2021.
Participants include leading scientists and students from a wide range of disciplines and from across the globe, discussing current research outputs and outcomes in plant breeding and related disciplines.
EiB Workshop: Making the whole greater than the sum of its parts: How to set up a modern plant breeding program
- Monday, Oct 25, 12 PM - 2 PM (CAT)
- Click here for more details
Plenary Session II:
- Dr. Michael Quinn, Director, CGIAR Excellence in Breeding
- Oct 28, 12 PM - 1 PM (CAT)
- Abstract: Breeding innovations for genetic gains in farmers' fields: This session will draw on the experiences of CGIAR Excellence in Breeding (EiB) in working with NARES and CGIAR breeding programs, and highlight key advice and resources. EiB is accelerating the modernization of crop breeding programs targeting the developing world. We work to achieve a bold vision, which is that, “CGIAR-NARES breeding networks generate rates of genetic gain ≥1.5% p.a. and that the average area weighted age of varieties in farmers’ fields is <10 years.” Drawing from innovations in the public and private sectors, EiB helps breeding programs meet this challenge through system-level coordination and holistic partnerships that include expert guidance, resources, shared service platforms, and access to cutting edge technologies and practices. As an R&D network, CGIAR provides germplasm indirectly to farmers through partnerships, and EiB has developed a model for effective CGIAR-NARES breeding networks and for germplasm handover from breeding programs to seed sector partners. This model is built on ensuring joint decision-making with partners for final stage promotion of germplasm, and provision of high-quality performance data supporting confidence of investment in taking new varieties to market.
CGIAR PARTICIPATION: (TBC - Some session information will change. Please register and see APBA's agenda for most up-to-date information)
Conference Opening, Keynote Address II:
- Dr. Barbara Wells, Global Director, Genetic Innovation, One CGIAR & Director-General, International Potato Centre (CIP)
- Oct. 26, 3 PM - 6:20 PM (CAT)
Conference Opening, High level panelists; Partnerships for the Inclusive Transformation of Agriculture in Africa:
- Dr. Nteranya Sanginga, Regional Director, West and Central Africa, One CGIAR & Director-General, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)
- Dr. Clare Mukankusi, Senior Scientist, Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT
- Dr. Jacqueline Hughes, Director-General, ICRISAT
- Oct. 26, 3 PM - 6:20 PM (CAT)
Parallel Session II: Food security, nutrition/biofortification
- Chair: Dr. Elizabeth Parkes – Breeder, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)
- Oct 27, 10:45 AM - 12:45 PM (CAT)
Parallel Session III: Marker assisted breeding and genomic selection
- Chair: Prof. John Derera, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)
- Oct 27, 2:45 PM - 4:45 PM (CAT)
Parallel Session IV: KASP-based authentication of F1 hybridity in cowpea
- Patrick Ongom Obia, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)
- Oct 28, 9 AM - 11 AM (CAT)
Keynote Address IV
- Chair: Dr. Alfred Dixon, Director, Development and Delivery, IITA, Nigeria
- Oct 28, 2 PM - 2:45 PM (CAT)
Parallel Session V: Soybean phenotyping for rapid variety breeding using satellites and artificial intelligence
- Emmanuel Ngonga Muteba, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), DARA
- Oct 29, 9 AM - 11 AM (CAT)
- October 25-30, 2021
- Kigali, Rwanda and virtually
- For more information and to register for the full conference click here
- Email: info_apba@wacci.ug.edu.gh