Effects of reduced cycle time

What is the effect of reducing cycle time?

Breeding programs aim to increase productivity of varieties in farmers fields. EiB proposes a fast and accurate population improvement approach as a strategy to release such improved varieties at a faster rate.

These simulation reports show the impact of reducing the cycle time in the short and long-term genetic gain and improve variety release.

Contact: g.covarrubias@cgiar.org


IITA Cassava in West Africa cycle time simulation
Tests the hypothesis that earlier recycling and testing can reduce cycle time.
CGIAR Excellence in Breeding Platform, Roslin Institute, University of Edinburgh
CIMMYT Wheat cycle time report
Tests rapid bulk generation enhancement and rapid cycle recurrent selection.
FH Toledo, J Burgueño, J Crossa
IITA Yam cycle time report
Tests the impact of including new parents and earlier gen selection.
CGIAR Excellence in Breeding Platform, Roslin Institute, University of Edinburgh