EiB/Corteva Mini Symposium: Managing Genetic Information

September 14, 2022

Date/time: Sept 14, 2022: 08:30-10:30 CST / 13:30-15:30 GMT / 16:30-18:30 EAT

To Join: Download to Outlook calendar. Or click at the meeting time: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85126831191?pwd=ZitZb0NHM2QwWk90cnRpdmx0SnJYZz09&from=addon

For: CGIAR/ NARES breeding program staff, breeding informatics network (BrIN) members, and breeding operations specialists (BOND), genotyping service providers 


Collaborating with Corteva, EiB and the Accelerated Breeding and Breeding Resources Initiatives are organizing a mini symposium to showcase and discuss best practices managing genotyping workflows and data analytics. Corteva colleagues will present the best practices and workflows in producing genotyping data, managing, analyzing, and visualizing them, and applying genotyping data in advancement, selection, and decision support. EiB will share the best practices and challenges in managing genotyping workflow and data at CG. Participations are invited to participate in panel and themed breakout discussions with panelists at the second half of the meeting.

The event will be live only, and will not be made available as a recording.


  • Geoff Graham, Corteva
  • Dinakar Bhattramakki, Corteva

  • Emily Ziemke, Corteva

  • Radu Totir, Corteva

  • Sharifah Syed Alwee, IRRI & Breeding Resources
  • Breeding Resources / Excellence in Breeding (EiB) / CGIAR team members

  • Star Gao (moderator), Cornell University

Tentative agenda

Time (CST/GMT) Topic Presenters
8:30 / 13:30  EiB Introduction Young Wha Lee, EiB
8:40 / 13:40 Corteva: Introduction Geoff Graham, Corteva
8:45 / 13:45 Corteva: Data generation through genotyping labs network Dinakar Bhattramakki, Corteva
9:00 / 14:00 Corteva: Organizing data for optimal decision making Emily Ziemke, Corteva 
9:15 / 14:15 Corteva: Analyzing data for optimal decision making  Radu Totir, Corteva
9:30 / 14:30 Process management teams Sharifah Alwee, IRRI
9:45 / 14:45 Q&A Star Gao, Cornell
10:00 / 15:00

Breakout Sessions

1: Genotyping processes with Dinakar

2. Data capture and validation in IT systems with Emily

3. Data analytics with Radu

Breakout group leads

1: Eng + Sharifah

2: Youngwha

3: Eduardo + Star

10:25 / 15:25 Debrief and final remarks Young Wha Lee, EiB/BR
10:30 / 15:30 END  



Organized and supported by funders and partners, including:




Short description: 
Collaborating with Corteva, EiB and the Accelerated Breeding and Breeding Resources Initiatives are organizing a mini symposium to showcase and discuss best practices managing genotyping workflows and data analytics.