Home News & Events Events Launch: CGIAR Seed Product Market Segment (SPMS) Database

The success of breeding will depend on our ability to deliver reliable data, information and insights into market segments.

The Seed Product Market Segment (SPMS) Database identifies and describes over 400 seed product market segments. These segments cover 25 crops across ten subregions where CGIAR and NARES currently target investments in crop breeding and seed systems.

This virtual launch event will describe the work that went into building the database, and demonstrate how users can utilize it to sharpen breeding decisions and investments.

Featuring: CGIAR’s Agnes Mbugua, Peter Coaldrake, Jason Donovan and more

The event will cover:

  • Opening remarks: helping CGIAR sharpen crop breeding investments – Gary Atlin, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

  • Overview: how we built it, how it can improve breeding decisions – Peter Coaldrake, EiB, Accelerated Breeding

  • Demo: tour, features, demonstration of queries – Agnes Mbugua – Gitonga, EiB, Market Intelligence

  • What’s next? – Jason Donovan, EiB, Market Intelligence

  • Feedback and questions from participants


We would like to thank all funders and partners who have supported the work of Excellence in Breeding, particularly the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, along with the contributors to the CGIAR Trust Fund, and the CGIAR Initiatives on Market Intelligence and Accelerated Breeding.