This opinion piece published in Frontiers in Plant Science briefly presents the breeder's equation and highlights the terms that can be manipulated to increase genetic gain per time and per dollar invested. The authors also present some guidelines recommended by the Excellence in Breeding (EiB) Platform to optimize the selection response in a classical breeding scheme to create an aggressive pipeline with high genetic gains. They then discuss how genome-assisted prediction methods (genomic selection, GS) can be used for further optimization across all breeder’s equation terms.
Read the full piece at Frontiers in Plant Science.
Opinion piece by Giovanny Covarrubias-Pazaran (EiB), Johannes W. R. Martini (CIMMYT), Michael Quinn (EiB) and Gary Atlin (Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation). Contents reflect the information and views of the authors only. EiB and partners are supported by CGIAR Trust Fund Contributors and the Crops to End Hunger initiative, via the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, GIZ, BMZ, USAID, UK Aid, ACIAR and other partners. Photo: X. Fonseca/CIMMYT
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