NARES–CGIAR Genetic Innovation: Strengthening and Coordinating Engagement

June 27, 2022 to June 28, 2022

Location: Nairobi, Kenya

CGIAR and national agricultural research and extension systems (NARES) leadership meet in a two-day, in-person event to clarify objectives of the six Genetic Innovation Initiatives and receive feedback from NARES leadership on how CGIAR could better engage with partners for greater impact. Collectively, the group will work on drafting an Aide Memoire to guide engagement going forward.

CGIAR is undergoing a transition to have greater impact in collaboration with national partners. The Genetic Innovation Action Area was established to house all research activities related to genetic resources and germplasm improvement. It contains six interlinked Initiatives that were developed during 2021 and 2022 in interaction with a wide range of partners. In addition to technical objectives, activities were designed so to better address the needs of, and strengthen national partners.

This event is by invitation only and is hosted by the CGIAR Genetic Innovation science group, with support provided by CGIAR Excellence in Breeding.

Participants: National Agricultural Research and Extension Services (NARES) leaders, CGIAR Genetic Innovation leaders, CGIAR breeding program leaders, CGIAR Excellence in Breeding


Tentative Agenda

Day 1 - 27 June

Time Description
08:00 to 9:00 NARES Breakfast meeting - meet and greet
Welcome & opening
09:15 to 09:30 Welcome remarks /Opening
09:30 to 09:45 NARES Vision / Perspective for this Meeting and Towards closer collaboration moving forward
09:45 to 10:30 Genetic Innovations - Overview, vision and workshop objectives.
10:30 to 10:50 Coffee / Tea
Scope of Individual Initiatives
10:50 to 11:00 Market Intelligence
11:00 to 11:10 Accelerated Breeding
11:10 to 11:20 Q&A - Clarifications
11:20 to 11:30 Seed Equal
11:30 to 11:40 Breeding Resources
11:40 to 12:30 Q&A: Strengthening NARES collaboration across GI initiatives
12:45 to 14:30 NARES Lunch Business meeting
Strengthening collaboration
14:45 to 16:00 NARES perspectives on strengthening collaboration within the Genetic Innovations Initiatives
16:00 to 16:20 Coffee / Tea
16:30 to 17:45 Breakout groups per Initiative
17:45 to 18:00 Breakout groups report
18:30 to 19:15 Cocktails hosted by Sonja Vermeulen
19:15 to 21:00 Group Dinner hosted by EA Regional Director


Day 2 - 28 June

Time Description
08:00 to 9:00 Breakfast
The way forward
09:00 to 11:00 Plenary Discussion: Agreeing Terms of Engagement - Building stronger, sustainable and transparent collaborations
11:00 to 11:30 Coffee / Tea
11:30 to 12:30 Endorsement of Terms of Engagement
12:30 to 13:00 Close of Meeting - Sonya Vermeulen, KALRO Representative
13:00 to 14:00 Lunch



More information: Main organizer: Bish Das, Genetic Innovation / CGIAR Excellence in Breeding (EiB): 

Support: We would like to thank all funders who support this research through their contributions to the CGIAR Trust Fund. Special thanks to funders and national partners, including:

Short description: 
CGIAR and national partner leadership meet in a two-day in-person event to clarify objectives of the six Genetic Innovation Initiatives, receive feedback from NARES leadership on how CGIAR could better engage with partners for more impact, and map out an Aide Memoire.