The next evolution in genotyping services is here.
Join CGIAR Excellence in Breeding (EiB) for the official launch of the EiB LDSG shared service. At this important milestone, we take a moment to recap, share improvement ideas, and hear perspectives from donors, vendors and other partners.
Event: EiB Low Density SNP Genotyping (LDSG) Launch
Time and Date: March 16th 2021, 1300- 1430 GMT
Watch the recording:
The new LDSG service is the latest evolution from the “High Throughput Genotyping - HTPG” project, made possible through the strong partnerships and support of many CGIAR, public and private research organizations.
As CGIAR centers continue their journey toward becoming One CGIAR, the LDSG service is a trailblazing service designed to cater to the needs of new CGIAR and NARs breeding networks. The ultimate goal is to provide quality and affordable genotyping solutions to all.
- Opening remarks from EiB leadership
- One CGIAR Shared services -- Donor’s perspectives
- EiB’s Genotyping tools and services -- an update from Module leads
- Vendor perspectives
- Open Q&A (30 mins)
We thank EiB’s funders and contributors for making this service possible;