As part of IPBO Satellite - "Applied Climate Research in Africa", join Ana Oliveira, EiB's Regional Genotyping Coordinator for Africa for the following session:
Translating molecular breeding into market oriented genetic gain: Technical requirements and deployment considerations for Africa
June 9, 2021 at 13:30 — 13:50 CEST
The session is part of the following event:
IPBO Satellite - "Applied Climate Research in Africa"
9 June 2021
Africa is highly exposed and vulnerable to climate variability and change impacts. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change estimates that Africa's temperatures will rise significantly in coming years. Some regions could experience two droughts every five years and see drastic yield reductions for crops such as maize over the next three decades.
Climate change has a strong impact on food production and availability, and stability of food systems. These factors impact directly on the smallholder farmers who are the most vulnerable stakeholders. Thus, to limit the effect of climate on food insecurity, adaptation is essential along food production chains.
This meeting “Applied Climate Research in Africa” aims at showcasing examples of scientific actions undertaken in Africa to adapt agricultural systems to the climate-related challenges. Scientists from leading research centers will present their latest interventions to adapt and modify crops and agricultural systems. Speakers will especially develop on topics as breeding climate resilient crops, deploying them in the field to get farmers adopting crops and practices to make agricultural and food systems climate resilient.
This satellite event was conceived to give visibility to the ongoing research efforts to mitigate climate change in Africa and enable a solid North-South connection of scientists, experts and research hubs to enhance networking, mutual learning and collaboration.
PROGRAM (CEST Timezone):
- 13:00 — 13:10: Welcome words and housekeeping points (IPBO)
- 13:10 — 13:30: Laurence Defrise - Agricultural engineer in Madagascar, Enabel, MG
- 13:30 — 13:50: Ana Oliveira - EiB-CIMMYT, Kenya
- Translating molecular breeding into market oriented genetic gain: Technical requirements and deployment considerations for Africa
- 13:50 — 14:10: Sylvester Oikeh - AATF, Kenya
- ‘Status on Development and Commercialisation of Climate-smart Drought-tolerant and Insect-protected Maize for African Farmers’
- 14:10 — 14:20: Health break
- 14:20 — 14:40: Bernard Vanlauwe - IITA, Kenya
- ‘Agronomy at scale as an entry point towards climate change adaptation’
- 14:40 — 15:00: Robert Zougmore - CCAFS-ICRISAT, Mali
- ‘Building climate resilient agriculture and food systems in sub-Saharan Africa: Challenges and actionable solutions’
- 15:00 — 15:40: Panel discussion with the speakers
- Moderator: Marc Heijde: Program manager: VIB-UGent International Plant Biotechnology Outreach (IPBO)
- Moderator: Laura Cortada: Senior Scientific Officer: VIB-UGent International Plant Biotechnology Outreach (IPBO)
This IPBO satellite is organized the day after 'Plant Science for Climate Emergency' (7-8 June 2021) and is free of charge. To participate it's obligatory to register via the button on the event page (create account & register).
Contact: If you have questions about the IPBO satellite please contact: ipbo@vib-ugent.be
Visit: https://www.vibconferences.be/events/plant-science-for-climate-emergency