Accelerated Breeding Initiative: Update Session

December 8, 2022


Date/time: December 8, 2022

7:00-7:50AM Mexico CST / 1:00-1:50PM Accra GMT / 4:00-4:50PM Nairobi EAT / 9:00-9:50PM Manila PST

For: CGIAR / NARES breeders, crop leads and other program team members; donors; private sector and other interested partners 


As part of CGIAR’s new portfolio, Accelerated Breeding Initiative is working with partners to improve breeding program design and practices to ensure we can deliver higher rates of genetic gain in the varieties farmers need. 

This virtual event aims to build understanding, demonstrate what we are delivering, and hear your questions and feedback. 

The event will cover:

  • Accelerated Breeding vision
  • Work package offerings
  • Our key achievements and progress
  • Big goals for 2023
  • How we work with partners: contacts, information flow, Initiative collaboration
  • Feedback and questions from participants

To join, check your calendar, or click here to join on Zoom at the event time


We would like to thank all funders who support this Initiative through their contributions to the CGIAR Trust Fund, as well as partners of Excellence in Breeding.


Short description: 
This virtual event aims to build understanding, demonstrate what ABI is delivering, and hear your questions and feedback.