CtEH dashboard: Improving infrastructure and mechanization capabilities in priority stations

This dashboard encapsulates the results of three projects improving the infrastructure and mechanization capabilities in priority breeding stations across Africa with Crops to End Hunger (CtEH) funds.

Breeding Resources Initiative is currently implementing over fifteen CtEH projects, among which Facilities Upgrade and Mechanization Improvement, a project that builds upon previous initiatives, including a 2020 Digitalization project focused on phenotyping tools and a Mechanization project dedicated to introducing advanced field equipment.

This dashboard serves as a centralized repository, combining the outcomes of the three projects. Its primary objective is to enhance communication with stakeholders, providing a transparent view of equipment and investments at each center/station.


Explore the data

The dashboard includes key performance indicators: to make the most of the tool, explore and delve into the various graphs below. The dashboard is interactive and will adjust to your selection.

For further information please email: d.castanon@cgiar.org.

Download the Facilities Upgrade and Mechanization Improvement factsheet.